A small puppy named Oscar and a pudgy cat named Author were best
friends ever since they first met. They were inseparable until one day
Author passed away. It was simply too difficult for Oscar to leave his
best pal. One night he dug up Author’s grave and brought him back into the house.
When the Bell family woke up the next day, they saw Oscar snuggling with Author in his basket. The pup spent all night washing and licking his buddy before he fell asleep.
They were best friends who always had
each other’s back. Author often helped Oscar to climb onto the sofa.
The little pup loved tagging along with his feline friend wherever he
went in the house.
The Bell’s said Oscar was there when they buried the cat, so he knew where the cat was located. That night he went out through the cat flap and dug down to get the cat out. Author was a very large cat. It must have taken the little pup a lot of strength to carry the cat back into the house.
has been re-buried into a more secure grave and Oscar has gotten a new
feline companion named Limpet whom he is already very protective of.
When the Bell family woke up the next day, they saw Oscar snuggling with Author in his basket. The pup spent all night washing and licking his buddy before he fell asleep.
The Bell’s said Oscar was there when they buried the cat, so he knew where the cat was located. That night he went out through the cat flap and dug down to get the cat out. Author was a very large cat. It must have taken the little pup a lot of strength to carry the cat back into the house.