Cat with a Magnificent Tail

Cat with a Magnificent Tail  | photo by ©David Howes
Jarvis is a lovely Maine Coon with a magnificent tail. His tail is so fluffy that it looks almost as big as his body :) .
Jarvis is a very outgoing and laid back cat who adores human company and is very affectionate. “However, he is also the naughtiest cat we have ever had and he is into all kinds of mischief, he is incredibly inquisitive and will investigate any thing that is left where he can get at it, a particular favourite is shopping, he is into the bags as soon as we bring them into the house. He is never in anyway nasty to us or destructive to our home so we forgive his, often very endearing naughtiness,” said David Howes, Jarvis’s daddy.
When Jarvis first came to his home, the Howes’ already had 4 other cats. “Jarvis assumed they were there for his entertainment and would spend many happy hours chasing them around whilst chirping and making various other sounds. I think the other cats were convinced we had brought them a totally crazy ‘little brother’.”
photo by ©David Howes